Siempreviva Ceremony
Inspired by her Lukumí, Taino, and Quaker traditions, Quiara Alegría Hudes takes us through the ceremony celebrating the published script and adaptation of her memoir, My Broken Language, A Theatre Jawn

Inclusivity and Institutional Change in Education
Dr. Ish Ruiz and Dr. Colleen Mary Mallon, a Dominican Sister, discuss her latest book, which examines the intersection of theology, education, and social justice, with a specific focus on race and LGBTQ+ inclusion

Academic Publishing
Historian Dr. Felipe Hinojosa talks to editor Alejandra Mejía, who acquires books in Latinx history at Duke University Press

Insurrectionist Wisdoms
Dr. Neomi De Anda talks to 2023 HTI Book Prize winner Dr. Marlene M. Ferreras, whose work looks toward a North American indigenized pastoral theology

Toward a North American Indigenized Pastoral Theology
Dr. Marlene Mayra Ferreras presents an adaptation of her 2023 HTI Book Prize lecture

Articulating Public Theologies
Dr. Alejandro Nava and Dr. Raúl Zegarra discuss their respective books, Street Scriptures and Revolutionary Faith

The Translator's Daughter
Rev. Dr. Tony Tian-Ren Lin talks with Grace Loh Prasad about her recent memoir, living between languages, navigating loss, and the search for belonging

A Revolutionary Faith
Amirah Orozco talks with Dr. Raúl Zegarra about his recent book on religious beliefs, politics, and advancing progressive social change via Latin American Liberation Theology

Pueblo de la Fe
Jesús Rafael Jiménez presenta extractos de su novela sobre mineros con sueños de oro en la frontera de Venezuela y Guayana

On Becoming Wise Together
Dr. Javier Viera talks to Dr. Maria Liu Wong about her recent book on urban ministry and theological education

Border Radio
Bill Crawford and Gene Fowler tune in to the American “border blaster” airwaves that helped lay the foundations for today's electronic church

Opened by the World
Rebecca Rhodes Blackburn talks to Rev. Dr. José Francisco Morales Torres about his recent book Wonder as a New Starting Point for Theological Anthropology

Engaging the Old Testament
Dr. M. Daniel Carrol Rodas and Dr. Dominick S. Hernández discuss his new book on how to read biblical narrative, poetry, and prophecy well

The End of Theological Education
Dr. Antonio (Tony) Alonso and Rev. Dr. Ted A. Smith discuss his latest book, which reimagines church, ministry, and dominant educational models in this time between the times

A Faithful and Constructive Conversation
Rev. Dr. Tony Lin talks to Dr. Robert Chao Romero and Dr. Jeff M Liou about their recent book Christianity and Critical Race Theory

The Place across the River
A story map of excerpts from the newest collection of poetry by Rev. Dr. Harold J. Recinos

Answering God’s Call with Confidence
Nancy Gavilanes presents excerpts from her new book God-Given Dreams

The Stupidest Angel
Beatriz Terrazas on why she re-reads a book about zombies every Christmas

Becoming Sister Ernestine
Novelist Charles Alcorn memorializes his former teacher at one of the oldest Catholic high schools in Texas

Rev. Dr. Tony Lin talks to Dr. Nely Galán about her book and podcast series on becoming empowered, self-reliant, and rich in every way