Miriam Guadalupe Juárez, a doctoral candidate at NYU, presents the first dispatch of “Faith and Flight: Latinx Migration in the Art of Belief,” a Historias project of The Clemente Center
Father Brian Strassburger and Father Flavio Bravo discuss the Jesuits' efforts on behalf of migrants in the Rio Grande Valley with artist and anthropologist Cinthya Santos Briones
Historian Dr. Felipe Hinojosa talks to editor Alejandra Mejía, who acquires books in Latinx history at Duke University Press
Rev. Dr. Joanne Rodriguez talks with PhD candidate Daniel Montañez about his role as founder and director of the Mygration Christian Conference
Scholars Rebecca Mendoza and Anthony Trujillo discuss the work of the Terralogian and what it means to decolonize religious practices
Rev. Dr. Tony Tian-Ren Lin talks with Grace Loh Prasad about her recent memoir, living between languages, navigating loss, and the search for belonging
Jesús Rafael Jiménez presenta extractos de su novela sobre mineros con sueños de oro en la frontera de Venezuela y Guayana
Dr. Felipe Hinojosa talks to Felipe E. Agredano and Daniel Ballon-Garst about the queer Apostolic history that dates back to the early 1900s
Historian Dr. Felipe Hinojosa talks to PhD candidate The Rev. Francisco García, one of the few Latino Episcopal priests in the U.S.
A story map of excerpts from the newest collection of poetry by Rev. Dr. Harold J. Recinos
Historian Dr. Felipe Hinojosa talks to attorney Luz Herrera about her legal journeys–from study and practice to teaching and research
Alejandro Enríquez narra el florecimiento de las Fraternidades Jesús de Nazaret
Honoring the Contreras Farm founder who harvested a field of dreams in the Bay Area
A selection of resources that touch on how issues of religion, Latinidades, and social justice have been impacted by the 2001 September 11 attacks
Selections from the online space of practical theology that explores the boundaries, transitions, and the in-between
Erasmo Guerra reflects on two decades of writing from his many borderlands
Rev. Dr. Tony Tian-Ren Lin interviews award-winning author Reyna Grande
Rita Cedillo and Norma McCormick discuss how their Christian upbringing led to working in public schools on the Texas-Mexico border
Dr. João Chaves talks to Dr. Lloyd Barba about his recent book on Mexican Pentecostal farmworkers in California, 1916-1966
Rev. Milly Silencio talks to Noemi Córdova, founder of FLORA Ministries, about supporting immigrant families and mobilizing the Church to build with their communities
Dr. Daniel Ramírez talks to historian Dr. Philip Jenkins about his work
Dr. Michael Lee talks to community organizer Angel García about his recent book on the priesthood of Fr. Neil Connolly in the South Bronx, 1958-1980s