Submission Guidelines
Amplify Your Voice in
Open Plaza
HTI Open Plaza welcomes content and podcasts for OPWrites and OPTalks that engage issues of faith, history, spirituality, and social justice and resonate with Latine audiences. We aim to bridge the academic and lo cotidiano in the public square.
Our style and scope of scholarship amplify the voices of diverse BIPOC thinkers, activists, clergy, and artists. Topics often include: Culture, Education, Gender & Sexuality, Health, Migration, and Politics & Economics.
OPWrites content leans toward inclusive, accessible, and interactive. Accordingly, we ask that field-specific terms be defined. Features can include visuals, video, and audio.
We accept content in the following formats:
Think pieces
Opinion pieces
Notes on research
Book and movie reviews
Photo essays
Story maps
Lists (listicles, annotated bibliographies, indexes, annotated playlists, object catalogs)
Creative writing (poetry, fiction, memoir, creative nonfiction, plays)
OPTalks podcasts engage a conversational style. Contributors can specify their conversation partner or can request to be paired.
We invite you to review the posts on Open Plaza and look forward to reading your submissions.
Please email pitches, submissions, and questions to htiopenplaza@gmail.com
‘SUBMISSION’ in the email subject line
A 1-2 paragraph summary of the submission
Attach the manuscript as a Word document (.doc/.docx)
Our editorial staff will contact you within 1-2 weeks of your submission.
Thank you in advance for your contribution!