Honoring First Peoples, calling on our spiritual traditions
“It is important to call on the spiritual traditions in our rich ancestry for guidance on how to re-harness our power...”
—Rev. Joanne Rodríguez, HTI Executive Director, “Beloved Community!”
A new short film by Kogi screenwriter Jacinto Zarabata and the Tairona Heritage Trust for the Sierra Nevada of Colombia

A new short film by Kogi screenwriter Jacinto Zarabata and the Tairona Heritage Trust for the Sierra Nevada of Colombia
An HTI Open Plaza virtual tour of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Latino
Dr. Neomi De Anda talks to 2023 HTI Book Prize winner Dr. Marlene M. Ferreras, whose work looks toward a North American indigenized pastoral theology
Dr. Marlene Mayra Ferreras presents an adaptation of her 2023 HTI Book Prize lecture
Scholars Rebecca Mendoza and Anthony Trujillo discuss the work of the Terralogian and what it means to decolonize religious practices
Theologian Jonathan Hamilton-Diabo, anthropologists Dr. Valentina Napolitano and Dr. Kristin Norget discuss reconciliation, Indigenous Peoples, and the Catholic Church
Christian Silva on embodiment, prayer, and Spanish-nuevomexicano
Anthropologists Dr. Valentina Napolitano and Dr. Kristin Norget on Pope Francis, reconciliation, and the state
El Librotraficante Tony Diaz presents excerpts from his new book on Cultivating Community Cultural Capital
Stephen Di Trolio Coakley and Dr. Rafael Vizcaíno discuss liberation philosophy and anti-fetishism
Stephen Di Trolio Coakley y el Dr. Rafael Vizcaíno hablan sobre la filosofía de liberación y el anti-fetichismo
Victor Mancilla and Jim Nikas on their forthcoming film about the Jumano-Apache people and 17th-century Franciscan nun Sor María de Ágreda
Reyes Ramírez presents a story excerpt from his debut collection The Book of Wanderers
Journalist and anthropologist Cecilia Ballí tells a legal and personal history of South Texas
Jim Nikas digs up how the 19th-century Mexican graphic artist popularized the skull imagery associated with Día de Los Muertos
Dr. Neomi De Anda talks to Dr. Néstor Medina about his book on (re)configuring faith and the cultural
Dr. Jacqueline Hidalgo and Dr. Néstor Medina discuss scriptures, utopias, and the Chicano Movement
Dr. Oscar García-Johnson and Dr. Kay Higuera Smith look beyond the west-side story
Dr. Sophia Magallanes and Dr. Angela Tarango discuss Native American Pentecostals and the fight for the “indigenous principle”
Dr. Lauren Frances Guerra sees points of light beyond El Norte
Dr. Lauren Frances Guerra and Stephen R. DiTrolio Coakley get to the roots of the matter
Dr. Mariana Alessandri on seeing Anzaldúa and Kierkegaard through serpent and eagle eyes
Header: Curandera at El Rancho de Las Golondrinas, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 16 July 2011. Photo: Larry Lamsa
Divider: Taíno petroglyphs (drawings or carvings on rocks near rivers or in caves), Gorge of Foulon in Sainte-Suzanne, Haiti. Source: Taíno Museum
Footer: Kaqchikel Maya celebrating the beginning of bʼakʼtun 14 at Iximche, Guatemala, 21 December 2012. Photo: Tom Fortunato