
Honoring First Peoples, calling on our spiritual traditions

“It is important to call on the spiritual traditions in our rich ancestry for guidance on how to re-harness our power...”
—Rev. Joanne Rodríguez, HTI Executive Director, “Beloved Community!”




Header: Curandera at El Rancho de Las Golondrinas, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 16 July 2011. Photo: Larry Lamsa
Divider: Taíno petroglyphs (drawings or carvings on rocks near rivers or in caves), Gorge of Foulon in Sainte-Suzanne, Haiti. Source:
Taíno Museum
Footer: Kaqchikel Maya celebrating the beginning of bʼakʼtun 14 at Iximche, Guatemala, 21 December 2012. Photo: Tom Fortunato