Fruit of the Vine
Wine columnist Gus Clemens offers notes on sacramental/altar and kosher, mevushal wines
The Needle and the Thread
Victor Mancilla and Jim Nikas on their forthcoming film about the Jumano-Apache people and 17th-century Franciscan nun Sor María de Ágreda
37 Weeks and 38 Hours
Elyssa Salinas-Lazarski on pregnancy, labor, and choice as sacred spaces
Arena: A House MUSIC-al
Abel Alvarado presents three scenes from the musical about a gay man growing up in a devout Apostolic family in 1990s Los Angeles
Phantoms of Fire
Sammie Seamon on growing up within the Apostolic Pentecostal tradition
St. Everyday (Part II): Mais Viva!
Dr. Xochitl Alvizo and students ‘heart’ Gabriel García Román’s visit to their Queer Theory class
St. Everyday (Part I): Queer Icons
Dr. Xochitl Alvizo profiles artist Gabriel García Román, creator of the QTPOC portrait series
Neruda on the Park
Cleyvis Natera presents excerpts from her debut novel
…And the Barrio Did Not Devour Me
San Antonio-based Chicano artist José Esquivel highlights a career spanning over 50 years
Where the Sidewalks Meet a Time Before Water
Poet Rev. Dr. Harold J. Recinos and photographer Danny R. Peralta present excerpts from their Bronx-inspired books
Don’t You Care?
A springtime devotional by Rev. Dr. Loida I. Martell
Ars botánica
John Olivares Espinoza presents poems inspired by work as a gardener with his family
The Grand Silence, 1929
An excerpt from Song of the Water Saints by Nelly Rosario on the novel’s 20th anniversary
Ode to [Elegies]
Poet Robert Carlos García explores the complexities of modern life and death
Xitlali Zaragoza, Curandera
Reyes Ramírez presents a story excerpt from his debut collection The Book of Wanderers
Dreams of Reversal
Miguel Escobar offers a biblical understanding of money and prosperity from the perspective of his migrant farmworker family experience
Return to Padre
Journalist and anthropologist Cecilia Ballí tells a legal and personal history of South Texas
On Music, Justice, and Hope
Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M. serenades Instituto Nacional de Panamá Class of 1966 alumni: his father Carlos Sánchez, musical artists Basilio Fergus and Rubén Blades
After Dark/Nueva Luz
Rev. Dr. Harold J. Recinos presents excerpts from his latest poetry collection / En Foco, Inc. illuminates with photography from their journal archives
Buddhism and the Real World
Dr. Donald S. Lopez, Jr. on what the dharma might offer in the domain of social action