Academic Publishing
Historian Dr. Felipe Hinojosa talks to editor Alejandra Mejía, who acquires books in Latinx history at Duke University Press

La Buddhalupana Way
Journalist Macarena Hernández interviews celebrated author Sandra Cisneros

Hold It Together and Keep Going
Erasmo Guerra reflects on two decades of writing from his many borderlands

Covering Us
Rev. Dr. Tony Lin talks to New York Times National Correspondent Edgar Sandoval about his start in journalism, writing about Texas, and the nuances of the U.S. Latino experience

Faith Arising
Emanuel Padilla talks to T.I. Frazier about growing up with pastor parents, writing for children, and his most recent book, a personal story about his Christian journey

Writing in the Spirit of Service
Rev. Dr. Tony Tian-Ren Lin talks to celebrated author Sandra Cisneros about her new collection of poetry Woman Without Shame

The Scholar’s Guide to Writing a Dissertation
Stephen Di Trolio interviews Dr. Patrick Reyes on making new ways for doctoral education through podcasts

Powers of Pen
César "CJ" Baldelomar talks to Dr. Mark Jordan about his theological writing and teaching

A Coyolxauhqui Imperative
César “CJ” Baldelomar ruminates on writing, memory, and death

The Stories We Tell Each Other
Stephen Adubato talks to Angie Cruz about the theological themes and imagery in her novel Dominicana