Doors Open to an Ecumenical Vision
Dr. Edwin Hernández talks with Stephen Di Trolio Coakley about his intersecting paths in ministry, the sociology of religion, fundraising, and academia

The Scholar’s Guide to Writing a Dissertation
Stephen Di Trolio interviews Dr. Patrick Reyes on making new ways for doctoral education through podcasts

Transnational Phenomenon
Stephen Di Trolio Coakley talks to theologians Dr. Raimundo Barreto and Dr. João Chaves about the continued growth of Christian nationalism in Brazil, USA, and beyond

Thinking from Latin America
Stephen Di Trolio Coakley and Dr. Rafael Vizcaíno discuss liberation philosophy and anti-fetishism

Pensar desde Latinoamérica
Stephen Di Trolio Coakley y el Dr. Rafael Vizcaíno hablan sobre la filosofía de liberación y el anti-fetichismo

Descolonizando la educación teológica latinoamericana
Stephen DiTrolio Coakley habla con el Dr. Nicolás Panotto acerca de su próximo libro sobre ‘religión, educación y teología con acento poscolonial’

Decolonizing Latin American Theological Education
Stephen DiTrolio Coakley talks to Dr. Nicolás Panotto about his forthcoming book on ‘religion, education, and theology with a postcolonial accent’

Visiting Angels
Stephen R. Di Trolio Coakley and Hector Herrera talk to Dr. Mariana Alessandri about migration, activism, and theology in the Texas Rio Grande Valley

Creating the Conditions for Scholars of Color to Thrive
Stephen R. Di Trolio Coakley and Héctor Herrera talk to Dr. Patrick Reyes about his journey into theological education

Answering the Call
Stephen R. DiTrolio Coakley and Rev. Dr. Loida Martell tune into questions of vocation

Try Jesus
Stephen R. DiTrolio Coakley and Rev. Dr. Loida Martell ruminate on the ubiquitous phrase

Greek for Spanish Speakers
Dr. Juan Hernández, Jr. talks to Stephen R. DiTrolio Coakley about teaching the original language of the New Testament to bilingual students

Millennial Latinxs Reconnect with Ancestral Wisdom
Dr. Lauren Frances Guerra and Stephen R. DiTrolio Coakley get to the roots of the matter