Decolonizing Latin American Theological Education

Stephen DiTrolio Coakley talks to Dr. Nicolás Panotto about his forthcoming book on ‘religion, education, and theology with a postcolonial accent’


In this episode of OP Talks, Stephen DiTrolio Coakley talks to theologian and professor Dr. Nicolás Panotto about his forthcoming book Decolonizing Theological Knowledge in Latin America: Religion, Education and Theology with a Postcolonial Accent (Editorial JuanUno1, 2021). Dr. Panotto serves as director of Otros Cruces, an organization dedicated to inspiring dialogue, democracy and human rights through knowledge exchanges between faith and reality, religious communities and civil-society organizations, and between spiritual paths and political actors.



Panotto, Nicolás. “De-colonizing theological education: towards an ecology of theological knowledges in Latin America.” Presentated at the Reformation-Education-Transformation Twin International Consultation, Halle, Germany, 13 May 2016.


Descolonizando la educación teológica latinoamericana


Quarter-Century Perspectives