La Iglesia Que Migra
Father Brian Strassburger and Father Flavio Bravo discuss the Jesuits' efforts on behalf of migrants in the Rio Grande Valley with artist and anthropologist Cinthya Santos Briones

What Does it Mean to Be Pub Church?
Rev. Dr. Joanne Rodriguez talks with Dr. Xochitl Alviso about the life-changing power of reimagining ecclesiology and her experiences founding the The Pub Church in Boston

Design Thinking and Church Innovation
Rev. Dr. Tony Lin talks to Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija about the founding of TryTank Research Institute, an “action-resource laboratory”

Un árbol nuevo nace en Brooklyn
Alejandro Enríquez narra el florecimiento de las Fraternidades Jesús de Nazaret

Watering the Sacred
Rev. Milly Silencio talks to Noemi Córdova, founder of FLORA Ministries, about supporting immigrant families and mobilizing the Church to build with their communities

Dr. Adriana Nieto talks to Rev. Dr. Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi about her co-edited volume on vocational discovery in ministry

Christ in the Heights
Rev. Dr. Tony Lin talks to Rev. Mickey Correa about pastoring in Washington Heights, preparing the next generation of clergy, and never forgetting the "humanity of ministry”

Complex Dynamics
Mathematician Dr. Robert D. Ogden reflects on being an Anglo in Anglican Hispanic ministry

Evangelizando ‘a tiempo y a destiempo’
El Rev. P. Francisco J. de la Rosa refleja sobre su experiencia pastoral en tiempo de pandemia, de la República Dominicana a los Estados Unidos