Design Thinking and Church Innovation

Rev. Dr. Tony Lin talks to Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija about the founding of TryTank Research Institute, an “action-resource laboratory”

Image: aedoperter


In this episode of OP Talks, Rev. Dr. Tony Lin talks to Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija,  the chief innovation officer of Virginia Theological Seminary, about the founding of TryTank Research Institute, an “action-resource laboratory” of which he serves as executive director.  TryTank focuses on “advancing theological research to meet the evolving needs of the church in the modern world.” 

"Are we doing the best we can to meet the needs that they have in today’s world?" Rev. Lebrija asks. Before the pandemic, most churches thought only in terms of in-person services, he observes, yet these times demand that churches work with their congregants to understand their needs and challenges. Churches will then be able to offer options that fit with their needs and work schedules. In his book How to Try: Design Thinking and Church Innovation (Church Publishing Incorporated, 2021), Rev. Lebrija offers other straightforward frameworks based on research and interviews, including tools and templates, for experiments in new ministry.



“Church is obligated by the temporal necessity to innovate, think, revise, and revisit. In short, the church is obligated to be an organized entity that is constantly ‘trying’ new ideas. . . . This book comes out of a place of deep faith and commitment.”

— The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham
Dean and President, Virginia Theological Seminary



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