Becoming Mujeres
Dr. María del Socorro Castañeda and Lupita Castañeda-Liles have a mother-daughter conversation about keeping the lines of communication open to heal intergenerational trauma
Transforming Fire
Dr. Mayra Rivera talks to Dr. Mark Jordan about his recent book on imagining Christian teaching
Atando Cabos
Dr. Mary Hess and Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier discuss her book on theological education and tying the loose ends left over from the history of Latinx Christianity
Jewish in The Americas
Dr. Santiago Slabodsky moderates a conversation between writers Dr. Marjorie Agosín and Dr. Ruth Behar on their diasporic experiences in the U.S., Chile, and Cuba
Feminism and Christianity
Dr. Xochitl Alvizo talks to Dr. Néstor Medina about why embracing more expansive language in theology matters
Beyond Profession
Theologians Dr. Justo L. González and Rev. Dr. Daniel O. Aleshire discuss his book on the next future of theological education
Commodified Communion
Dr. Erica Ramírez talks to Dr. Tony Alonso about his new book on Eucharist, consumer culture, and the practice of everyday life
Descolonizando la educación teológica latinoamericana
Stephen DiTrolio Coakley habla con el Dr. Nicolás Panotto acerca de su próximo libro sobre ‘religión, educación y teología con acento poscolonial’
Decolonizing Latin American Theological Education
Stephen DiTrolio Coakley talks to Dr. Nicolás Panotto about his forthcoming book on ‘religion, education, and theology with a postcolonial accent’
Not Your Typical Devotional
HTI Scholar Jasmin Figueroa talks to activist/entrepreneur Crystal Cheatham about her work creating digital progressive Christian content
Diversity Among Latinx Evangelicals
Dr. Ryan R. Gladwin and Matt Reis offer a profile
Sí de Aquí, Sí de Allá
Tyler B. Davis interviews artist Mark Menjívar on storytelling as a way to empathy and action
Migrational Religion
Daniel Montañez and Dr. João Chaves discuss his new book on context and creativity in the Latinx Diaspora
Publica intellectualis
A bilingual conversation between historian Dr. Daniel Ramírez and journalist Carlos Martínez García on the role of the public intellectual in religious and political life
Una conversación bilingüe entre el historiador Dr. Daniel Ramírez y el periodista Carlos Martínez García sobre el papel del intelectual público en la vida religiosa y política
Renewing the Church by the Spirit
Dr. Néstor Medina talks to Rev. Dr. Amos Yong about his book on theological education after Pentecost
After Whiteness
Dr. Teresa Delgado talks to Dr. Willie James Jennings about education in belonging and forming people who form communion
Visiting Angels
Stephen R. Di Trolio Coakley and Hector Herrera talk to Dr. Mariana Alessandri about migration, activism, and theology in the Texas Rio Grande Valley
Creating the Conditions for Scholars of Color to Thrive
Stephen R. Di Trolio Coakley and Héctor Herrera talk to Dr. Patrick Reyes about his journey into theological education
Christianity, Empire and the Spirit
Dr. Neomi De Anda talks to Dr. Néstor Medina about his book on (re)configuring faith and the cultural
Attempt Great Things for God
Rev. Dr. Sammy Alfaro and Dr. Chloe T. Sun celebrate theological education in diaspora