Sharon Lee De La Cruz presents a spirited chapter from her graphic memoir I’m a Wild Seed

Cuban Literature in the Age of Black Insurrection
Dr. Elías Ortega-Aponte and Dr. Matthew Pettway discuss his debut book on how two 19th-century Cuban writers envisioned emancipation through the lens of African spirituality

¡Por fin!
Elaine Penagos finally lights her San Lázaro candle and says adiós to 2020

Present but Unseen
Dr. Matthew Pettway examines African Cuban spirituality and emancipation in the liturgy of 19th-century poet Juan Francisco Manzano

Spirit of the Crossroads
Dr. Matthew Pettway opens pathways with a reading from his debut book, Cuban Literature in the Age of Black Insurrection

A Saint for the Pandemic
Elaine Penagos reflects on what it means to light a candle for San Lázaro