The Look of Common Prayer
Historian Dr. Felipe Hinojosa talks to PhD candidate The Rev. Francisco García, one of the few Latino Episcopal priests in the U.S.
Faith, Justice, and Immigration
Rev. Miluska Aquije touches base with her mentors Rev. Maritza Crespo and Rev. Dr. Orlando Crespo
Theological Imagination in Education
César ‘CJ’ Baldelomar, LL.M., J.D. and his mentor Dr. Hosffman Ospino survey possibilities
Mentorship in the Academy
Victoria Pérez Rivera and Dr. Sophia Magallanes honor their mentee-mentor relationship
Finding Your Way to a PhD in Theology
Dr. Sofia Magallanes and Noemí Palomares talk the walk
Encounter with Daughters of Zelophehad
Dr. Sophia Magallanes reclaims self during HTI Open Plaza Writers Week
Leadership and Youth Development in Local Congregations
Dr. Elizabeth Tamez Méndez, Dr. Matilde Moros, and Dr. Daniel Ramírez share their testimonios