Powers of Pen
César "CJ" Baldelomar talks to Dr. Mark Jordan about his theological writing and teaching

Cultivating Talent
César "CJ" Baldelomar and Dr. Hosffman Ospino discuss Boston College's report on the recent national study of Hispanic educators in Catholic schools

A Coyolxauhqui Imperative
César “CJ” Baldelomar ruminates on writing, memory, and death

How DMX Prayed
César “CJ” Baldelomar eulogizes the late rapper

Against Anti-Intellectualism
César “CJ” Baldelomar calls for reconsidering the purpose of education in the wake of insurrection at the US Capitol

Theological Imagination in Education
César ‘CJ’ Baldelomar, LL.M., J.D. and his mentor Dr. Hosffman Ospino survey possibilities

Toward a Critical Theological Imagination, Parts 1-3
César ‘CJ’ Baldelomar urgently calls for imaginative critical theology theorists

Coronavirus and the Future of Ethical Imagination
César “CJ” Baldelomar calls for novel forms of meaning making