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Maria Liu Wong

Dr. Maria Liu Wong is the Provost of City Seminary of New York. Dr. Liu Wong has also served as their Dean and currently directs the Faith and Families initiative, the Walls-Ortiz Gallery and co-directs the Ministry in the City HUB, a national learning network. She is also a Senior Fellow with the Theological Education Between the Times project and Research Scholar with the LearnLong Institute for Education and Learning Research. Her research interests include lifelong and transformative learning, learning cities, mentoring, action research, women and leadership, diversity, place and arts-based pedagogies, youth and urban theological education. Dr. Liu Wong holds an EdD in Adult Learning and Leadership (AEGIS) from Columbia University Teachers College, an MA in Urban Mission from Westminster Theological Seminary, an MA in International Educational Development from Columbia University Teachers College and a BA in English/Environmental Science from Barnard College. She is the author of On Becoming Wise Together: Learning and Leading in the City (Eerdmans, 2023), part of the Theological Education Between the Times series, and has co-authored Stay in the City: How Christian Faith Is Flourishing in an Urban World (Eerdmans, 2017) and the forthcoming companion Sense the City. Dr. Liu Wong is a member and fellowship group leader at Redeemer Presbyterian Church Downtown in New York.

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