Robert Ogden
Robert and Rosie Ogden with grand nieces Linda (elder) and Harley (younger)
Dr. Robert (Roberto) David Ogden is Associate Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at Texas State University in San Marcos, where he has lived since 1981. Originally from Dallas, Texas, he spent most of his professional life in the mathematical and computational sciences, working as a professor and programmer. In the 1970s, he took a year leave from DePaul University to teach physics at Rafael Cancel Miranda High School, a private school organized mainly by Puerto Ricans frustrated with the Chicago public-school system. Dr. Ogden also spent years working in Mexico at la Unidad de Ciencias Marinas in Ensenada, Baja California. After rejoining the Episcopal Church of his teen years, he served in Hispanic ministry at St. Mark’s in San Marcos, TX. Dr. Ogden is licensed as a Lay Minister, Lector, and Catechist in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, and he has online credentials to officiate at marriages. Since retirement, Dr. Ogden has played in a rock band, worked on his writing, and spent time with nieces and nephews—and now their children. In their old age, he and Rosie, his wife of 38 years, spend quality time caring for one another. They have two daughters, Miletus and Martha.