Miluska Aquije


Rev. Miluska (Milly) Aquije is many things. As an educator, a spiritual advisor, a mentor, and a Dreamer—among so much else—Rev. Aquije supports her community with a unique passion and vibrancy. Her current professional experience includes serving as the Discipleship Pastor with Reconcile Brooklyn and as the founder of Hoping Greatly, where she uplifts others through her story of resilience as an undocumented immigrant. She holds degrees from Nyack College and Hunter College, as well as being a licensed clergy with the Evangelical Covenant Church. Rev. Aquije has served church plants in youth ministry since 2005, has been active in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) campus ministry, and is co-founder as an IVCF alumni of The Mentor Movement. She worked in higher education administration at Hunter College, served as an enrollment manager, faculty, and youth seminary coordinator for City Seminary of New York (CSNY). As part of CSNY, she was a researcher with Dr. Maria Liu Wong & Dr. Geomon George on “Engaging the Present and Envisioning the Future: Leadership Development in an Urban Youth Seminary.” In her free time, she can be found catching up on anime, and coaching the next generation over a delicious NYC meal discovery. More about Rev. Aquije's journey can be found at


Maritza Crespo


Sandra Salazar