Angel García

Angel García was the Executive Director of South Bronx People for Change, a Church-based, direct-action membership organization co-founded by Fr. Connolly. Born in Puerto Rico, García is a graduate of Princeton University and Pace University. As a long-term resident of the South Bronx and a lapsed Catholic, García has volunteered on worker cooperative projects, and social justice, environmental and political campaigns, and an affordable housing board, happily recruited by Fr. Connolly. Currently, García is a member of Sierra Club NYC and the Rainbow Garden of Life and Health, a South Bronx community garden. He has spoken about his book The Kingdom Began In Puerto Rico: Neil Connolly’s Priesthood in the South Bronx (Fordham University Press, 2021) at Fordham University’s Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, at the Artists and Authors Series of the Princeton University Class of 1979, and at the St. Frances de Sales Pop-up Theology Lecture Series, named after Fr. Connolly.


Michael Lee


Abel Alvarado