Sacred Tech
Dr. Jorge Juan Rodríguez V and Rev. Dr. Lis Valle-Ruiz explore digital platforms for popular theological education
Set of devices for testing electronic bibles, 2014. Photo: Kahunapule Michael Johnson
In this episode of OP Talks, Dr. Jorge Juan Rodríguez V and Rev. Dr. Lis Valle-Ruiz discuss digital platforms for popular theological education. Drawing from his academic training in history and biblical studies, Dr. Rodríguez V offers tips, such as identifying "the one thing you want people to walk away with," and describes how different digital platforms have shaped his writing. He finds life in translating what he has learned to others: "How can I take this knowledge and make it accessible?" Rev. Dr. Valle-Ruiz shares her experience of "being a social media presence" as a scholar who studies worship and preaching. She not only understands the challenges ‘digital immigrants’ may encounter when engaging digital platforms but also recognizes how important having a multimedia presence is to ‘digital natives.’ Learn more from these Puerto Rican scholars and their call to public scholarship.