Our Lady of Lactation
Dr. Neomi DeAnda and artist Alicia Sosa-Provencio discuss La Virgen de Guadalupe and the divine power of breastfeeding.
“Breastfeeding Virgen De Guadalupe - Virgin Mary and infant Jesus” stained glass, 8x10 print by Alicia Sosa-Provencio
Dr. Neomi DeAnda is the recipient of the 2014 Louisville Institute First Book Grant for Minority Scholars for her project A Theology of Breast Milk: A Latina Perspective. The book-length manuscript includes chapters with intrepid titles like “Your Caridad del Cobre is not my Guadalupe, but Let Us Share La Leche: A Look at Latina/o Theological Roots in Images of Breast Milk.” In this episode of OP Talks, Dr. DeAnda talks to artist Alicia Sosa-Provencio, whose vibrant series of Breastfeeding Virgen De Guadalupe paintings portray Our Lady cradling and feeding the infant Jesus at the breast. Sosa-Provencio's vision: "I would love for this image to be so universal, or just so common, that you don’t even see a breast; you see a feeding child."
MORE: Alicia Sosa-Provencio
MORE: Dr. Neomi DeAnda
“Miscarriage Matters, Stillbirth’s Significance, and the Tree of Many Breasts” in Parenting as Spiritual Practice and Source for Theology: Mothering Matters, eds. Claire Bischoff, Elizabeth O’Donnell Gandolfo, and Annie Hardison-Moody (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
“Nursing and Lactating Madonnas,” Radio Maria, Marian Library, University of Dayton, 17 March 2017.
“History, Renewal, and El Camino de la Leche” in Pentecostals and Charismatics in Latin America and Latino Communities. Christianity and Renewal — Interdisciplinary Studies, eds. Néstor Medina and Sammy Alfaro (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)
“Your Caridad del Cobre is not my Guadalupe, but Let Us Share La Leche: A Look at Latina/o Theological Roots in Images of Breast Milk,” Preferential Option for Culture in Latin@ Theology, Loyola University Chicago, 25 March 2015. [DOWNLOAD ABSTRACT]
“They Do Exist: Images of Maria de la Leche, 1600-Present,” American Catholic Historical Association: The Seventeenth Century in England, Italy, and Hispanic America. 129th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New York, 4 January 2015. [REQUEST PAPER]
Images of God, Imago Dei and God's Relationship with Humanity Through the Image of Mary's Breast Milk: A Focus Upon Sor María Anna Águeda De San Ignacio (1695-1756). 2011. Loyola University Chicago, PhD dissertation.